Questions & Answers for Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología (INOR) - Havana

Here you will find questions & answers for Instituto Nacional de Oncología y Radiobiología (INOR). All questions are checked and confirmed by our administrator. Questions are answered by the company representative or Yellocu users.
My younger brother is affected by Glioblastoma WHO IV. 3 times surgery done. last surgery was done in December. The doctor said no surgery will be allowed next. I learn about cancer vaccine. So I want to know who is suitable for this vaccine? is a cancer patient take this vaccine? yes or no please reply elaborately.
How can I get the medicine for lung cancer and how to administer it? Also mention the price please.
1- Cual es el mecanismo a seguir por un paciente mexicano para atenderse en el INOR?
2- Existe la posibilidad de que este paciente sea diagnosticado en mexico por medicos cubanos del INOR?

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